College Coursework


Languages: Go

Distributed Systems

Distributed systems enable developers to leverage computing and storage resources across many networked computers, to supply services that are fast, highly available, and scalable. Study covers fundamental concepts of design and implementation of such distributed systems. Topics include communication models for distributed machines (e.g., sockets, RPCs); synchronization (e.g., clock synchronization, logical clocks, vector clocks); failure recovery (e.g., snapshotting, primary-backup); consistency models (e.g., linearizability, eventual, causal); consensus protocols (e.g., Paxos, Raft); distributed transactions; and locking. Students gain hands-on, practical experience with these topics through multiple programming assignments, which work through steps of creating fault-tolerant, sharded key/value store. Exploration of how these concepts have manifested in several real-world, large-scale distributed systems used by Internet companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon.


Languages: N/A

Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata

Grammars, automata, and languages. Finite-state languages and finite-state automata. Context-free languages and pushdown story automata. Unrestricted rewriting systems, recursively enumerable and recursive languages, and Turing machines. Closure properties, pumping lemmas, and decision algorithms. Introduction to computability.


Languages: C++

Introduction to Algorithms and Complexity

Introduction to design and analysis of algorithms. Design techniques: divide-and-conquer, greedy method, dynamic programming; selection of prototypical algorithms; choice of data structures and representations; complexity measures: time, space, upper, lower bounds, asymptotic complexity; NP-completeness.


Languages: Lisp

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

This course studies the design of intelligent agents. It introduces the fundamental problem-solving and knowledge-representation paradigms of artificial intelligence. We will study the AI programming language LISP, state-space and problem reduction methods, brute-force and heuristic search, planning techniques, two-player games, and recent developments in game AI. In knowledge representation and reasoning, we will cover propositional and first-order logic and their inference algorithms. Finally, the course covers probabilistic approaches to AI, such as Bayesian networks, and machine learning algorithms to improve the agent's performance with experience.


Languages: Verilog

Digital Design Laboratory

Hands-on design, implementation, and debugging of digital logic circuits, use of computer-aided design tools for schematic capture and simulation, implementation of complex circuits using programmed array logic, design projects.



Computer Systems Architecture

Computer system organization and design, implementation of CPU datapath and control, instruction set design, memory hierarchy (caches, main memory, virtual memory) organization and management, input/output subsystems (bus structures, interrupts, DMA), performance evaluation, pipelined processors.


Languages: Python

Introduction to Machine Learning

Introduction to breadth of data science. Foundations for modeling data sources, principles of operation of common tools for data analysis, and application of tools and models to data gathering and analysis. Topics include statistical foundations, regression, classification, kernel methods, clustering, expectation maximization, principal component analysis, decision theory, reinforcement learning and deep learning.


Languages: MEAN Stack

Web Applications

Important concepts and theory for building effective and safe Web applications and first-hand experience with basic tools. Topics include basic Web architecture and protocol, XML and XML query language, mapping between XML and relational models, information retrieval model and theory, security and user model, Web services and distributed transactions.


Languages: SQL

Database Systems

Information systems and database systems in enterprises. File organization and secondary storage structures. Relational model and relational database systems. Network, hierarchical, and other models. Query languages. Database design principles. Transactions, concurrency, and recovery. Integrity and authorization.


Languages: OCaml, Java, Prolog, Lisp/Scheme, Python, Kotlin

Programming Languages

Basic concepts in design and use of programming languages, including abstraction, modularity, control mechanisms, types, declarations, syntax, and semantics. Study of several different language paradigms, including functional, object-oriented, and logic programming.


Languages: C

Computer Network Fundamentals

Introduction to design and performance evaluation of computer networks, including such topics as what protocols are, layered network architecture, Internet protocol architecture, network applications, transport protocols, routing algorithms and protocols, internetworking, congestion control, and link layer protocols including Ethernet and wireless channels.


Languages: C, Python

Operating Systems

Introduction to operating systems design and evaluation. Computer software systems performance, robustness, and functionality. Kernel structure, bootstrapping, input/output (I/O) devices and interrupts. Processes and threads; address spaces, memory management, and virtual memory. Scheduling, synchronization. File systems: layout, performance, robustness. Distributed systems: networking, remote procedure call (RPC), asynchronous RPC, distributed file systems, transactions. Protection and security. Exercises involving applications using, and internals of, real-world operating systems.


Languages: C

Introduction to Engineering Design & Embedded Systems

Introduction to engineering design while building teamwork and communication skills and examination of engineering majors offered at UCLA and of engineering careers. Completion of hands-on engineering design projects, preparation of short report describing projects, and presentation of results.


Languages: Verilog

Logic Design of Digital Systems

Introduction to digital systems. Specification and implementation of combinational and sequential systems. Standard logic modules and programmable logic arrays. Specification and implementation of algorithmic systems: data and control sections. Number systems and arithmetic algorithms. Error control codes for digital information.


Languages: Bash, Python, C

Software Construction Laboratory

Fundamentals of commonly used software tools and environments, particularly open-source tools to be used in upper-division computer science courses.


Languages: C

Introduction to Computer Organization

Introductory course on computer architecture, assembly language, and operating systems fundamentals. Number systems, machine language, and assembly language. Procedure calls, stacks, interrupts, and traps. Assemblers, linkers, and loaders. Operating systems concepts: processes and process management, input/output (I/O) programming, memory management, file systems.


Languages: C++

Introduction to Computer Science II

Object-oriented software development. Abstract data type definition and use. Overloading, inheritance, polymorphism. Object-oriented view of data structures: stacks, queues, lists. Algorithm analysis. Trees, graphs, and associated algorithms. Searching and sorting. Case studies and exercises from computer science applications.


Languages: C++

Introduction to Computer Science I

Introduction to computer science via theory, applications, and programming. Basic data types, operators and control structures. Input/output. Procedural and data abstraction. Introduction to object-oriented software development. Functions, recursion. Arrays, strings, pointers. Abstract data types, object-oriented programming. Examples and exercises from computer science theory and applications.